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2024 Senior Scholarships


We will be awarding at least one scholarship in 2024. Apply Now to [email protected]!


You must be a senior graduating high school and enrolling in secondary education (university, college, or trade school). To be eligible, you must swim in at least two meets your senior year and two meets two out of the three last seasons. The board may make exceptions to these rules under special circumstances.

Volunteer service (especially helping with swim team) will be considered in the application.


Complete, Convert to one PDF file, and email this Scholarship Application including essay, school transcript and college/university/trade school proof of enrollment/acceptance letter. Applicants may also submit a letter of recommendation as deemed appropriate.

Scholarship Deadline:

Completed Scholarship must be received by 7 June 2024 at Noon to [email protected]

Section 1: Personal Information:

Name: ______________________________ Primary Phone: ________________________

Home Address: ___________________________ Social Security #: ___________________

City: _____________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: ______________________

E-Mail: _________________________High School Graduated: _______________________

College/University/ Trade School Attending in 2024: _______________________________

Financial Aid Office Address: __________________________________________________

Section 2: SCST Involvement and Essay:

Roles and Years Associated:

Brief Essay of how involvement on SCST has impacted you and how this Scholarship will assist you.

Section 3: Signature and Date:

Signature: ___________________________ Date: ____________________________

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