Season Information & Parent Meeting Recap
Aloha, Stingrays!
For those of you who made it to the parent meeting yesterday, thank you! It was a great turnout and so amazing to see so many people by the pool again. If you were not able to make it (or need a refresher on anything we talked about) this email is long, but filled with useful information
This season will be fluid, and we ask for both your flexibility and your generosity (especially with your time.) We also ask that you follow the guidelines set by both the Northwest Aquatic League (NWAL) and our team.
This is where you will get the most up-to-date information about meets, schedules and volunteering.
STINGRAY STORE ( Open and ready for business! The Stingray store is for all your parent spirit wear needs- shirts, hats, towels and team swim caps.All orders are pre-orders only, due by April 24th, and items will be available for pickup at Time Trials on May 8th (payment will be via CASH or VENMO only, due at time of pick up.) The store also will be selling goggles and fun swim caps at all home meets (for those saturday mornings where “someone” forgot something needed!)
D&J SPORTS ( This is where you can buy the team swimsuit as well as other swim team needs like fins and goggles. This coming Saturday (April 17th) they will be hosting a Stingray Discount Day, where all gear (excluding the already discounted suit) will be available at a 15% discount when you mention the Spring Cypress Stingrays.
BABY RAYS For any new-parent concerns, contact our lead Baby ‘Ray, Tammy Murphy [email protected]
COACH INFORMATION Practices are very important to attend. Every day you come is a chance to get better. Fridays are especially important as that is when we work on relays. See practice schedule for information about the 13/14 age group.
Contact Coach Nina with questions: [email protected]
PRACTICES Begin on April 20 (new swimmers to team) and April 21 (all swimmers)
See schedule on website & attached graphic (we switch to summer- morning- practices after school gets out. Date of switch TBA later, and will be communicated closer to the end of school.)
*Change from previous years- 13/14 swimmers can swim either with 15 and ups at 4p or with the 11/12 group at 7:15p depending on what works best for their schedule.
SWIM MEETS Split by Age 10U/11U, Schedule on website (
MAY 8 • HOME • Time Trials/Mock Meet
MAY 15 • HOME • 10 & Under SCST vs. Copperfield
MAY 22 • AWAY • 11 & Up SCST vs. Copperfield
MAY 29 • HOME • 10 & Under SCST vs Deerfield Village
JUNE 5 • AWAY • 11 & Up SCST vs Deerfield Village
JUNE 12 • AWAY • 10 & Under SCST vs Towne Lake
JUNE 19 • HOME • 11 & Up SCST vs Towne Lake
Meets should be shorter but will need generosity with volunteers
INVITATIONALS Still fluid, more information to come as the season progresses.
VOLUNTEERS Meets can't run without volunteers
Every family will be required to write a $300 check, made out SCST. These will be placed in a folder in a file box on the check-in table at all practices. Checks are due by May 1st. Swimmers may not compete in a meet without the deposit.
If you have a swimmer in a meet, expectation is that you take a shift. If you have 11+ swimmers, please prioritize volunteering at the older meets.
Requirement is 6 shifts per family. Final requirements adjusted/locked in after the second meet. Use your best effort and you won't be penalized.
OFFICIALS NEEDED The team is in need of Officials. It is a great way to learn about how meets work, swimming rules and you get a front row seat to the action! Contact NWAL rep Jason Mangold @ [email protected]
COVID CHANGES First, we ask for respect for everyone’s choices.
There will be a map sent out prior to the first meet regarding the flow of swimmers and spectators at all home meets. We ask that you abide by that no matter your role at the meets.
We will try to follow the most recent CDC guidelines so these may change during the season.
Required: You will be asked to leave the deck
Encouraged: We will message repeatedly
Suggested: We will document/message it
Masks: Required - All on-deck coaches and volunteers (except DJ)
Encouraged - anyone using the restroom, any on-deck spectators, anyone in line for concessions.
Suggested - swimmers
SPONSORSHIPS This team runs only because of the generosity of the people involved. Beyond parent volunteers, we need sponsorships to make this happen. If you or anyone you know are willing to become a team sponsor (either with a cash or food donation) please contact our board and we will help facilitate that. Sponsors at a higher level have their name on the team shirt.
Multiple board positions will be up for new members this fall. If you are interested in donating your time and expertise, please contact any board member. We would love to get you involved early to help ease the transition. It is a fantastic opportunity to be involved with a fun and important part of our community. Also,you get a free, awesome shirt!
President: Chris Conger- [email protected]
Vice President: Rebecca Waterman- [email protected]
Secretary: Erica Ciesielski Chaikin- [email protected]
Treasurer: Brian Smoker- [email protected]
League Representative: Jason Mangold- [email protected]
Volunteer Coordinator: Chris George- [email protected]
Registration: Joyce Tao- [email protected]
Entire Board: [email protected]