
Happy TIME TRIAL week!

Good morning, Stingrays!

Welcome to our first “meet week!” Time trials are so important, both as a “practice” meet AND because your swimmer has to have an official time for each event they want to swim this season.

If you have not already, make sure you go register your swimmer AND sign up for your volunteer job for the meet. This has to be done by Tuesday evening at 9p.

If you are not going to make time trials this Saturday, you need to e-mal Nina for a make-up time. These will have to occur before declaration for the next meet. Without a time, they will not be able to swim in any future meets.

Also, attached you will find both a map for meet parking AND for set-up. It is critical this year that we follow the rules on swimmer only areas, entry and exit for pool and where to set up family tents. There will be NO SET UP of tent of chairs inside the pool area. There will be tents for each age group and space for the families to have their own tent. Come into the pool area to volunteer, watch or shop (concessions and team store will be inside under the big pavillion.) Meet parking is similar to practice, only we are able to utilize Louetta (single side in each direction only, please.) 


April light will be taking individual pictures on May 11 during all practices. More details to follow next week, but you may do siblings at the same time. Order form attached.


As a courtesy to other swimmers and the coaches, if your swimmer has any signs of illness, please keep them at home. If anyone in your household is sick and you are quarantining, please don’t come to swim practice. If your swimmer will be out for any extended amount of time, please let the coaches know.


Practice is always on unless you hear from coaches on the Remind. All changes and cancellations to practices or meets will come via the Remind.

No lightning = swim is on even if raining!

Please sign up for REMIND!


To sign up for the STINGRAY remind please text @SCSTIN to 81010

This is the preferred communication tool of the coaches, and the best way to get up to the minute information about practices and meet cancelations and changes.

The board finds out about cancellations and changes via Remind. If the coaches didn’t send anything, assume practice is happening.


This week we will focus on breaststroke, butterfly and dives. This weekend is Time Trials. We will have a crazy sock day at the swim meet!

It is imperative that we get times for every swimmer this week or weekend in every event. If you cannot be at time trials you must let Coach Nina know and get times during practice.


For ALL swim meet information, download the SWIMTOPIA app from the Apple Store (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/swimtopia/id881521818) or Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamtopia.swimtopia&hl=en)

This app is how we share heat sheets and how you keep informed of what event is up next. This year, especially for our older swimmers, this will be invaluable. If you would are new be sure to download the app and come ask an experienced swim team parent or board member to walk you through what is a heat sheet etc before the meet on Saturday. 

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