Time Trials Information
Happy Thursday, our favorite Stingrays!
Time trials are SATURDAY, y’all! We can’t wait to see you there. If you have any questions after reading this email, please don’t hesitate to ask any board member either via email or at the meet (we will be the ones in the bright pink shirts and are available for any questions or concerns you may have throughout the day. )
Time trials are run like a dual meet and provide our coaches the swimmers’ seed times that they use to plan the line-up for our meets. It is extremely important for swimmers to get a feel for a meet and set seed times. Swimmers may not participate in an event at a dual meet if they do not have a seed time for that event.
If you purchased any spirit gear from the team store, all but the swim caps will be available for pick up (payments can be made by Venmo, check or cash) under the large covered pavilion.
Also, team t-shirts for swimmers will be at a table next to the team store, or at the team store later in the meet. Come by and pick up for your whole family at one time.
**The forecast shows highs in the 80s with humidity. While this is mild for our area, many of us may not be acclimated to the heat. We strongly encourage that you and your swimmers begin hydrating Friday and continue to do so throughout the meet.**
Last thing about the pool- at time trials, dual meets or practice- You are responsible for cleaning up. Please pick up any trash you have, and make sure you take anything you brought home with you! We want to keep our neighborhood, and the ones we swim in as clean and neat as we found them, if not better.
The CDC recently updated their recommendations on the use of masks during outdoor activities. Based on these recommendations, we will not require masks on deck but still encourage their use. We will instruct volunteers our expectations that they remain socially distant from the swimmers and techniques on how to do so. While we do understand concerns about the ability to maintain social distancing, we have already set controls by limiting the number of on deck volunteers and setting up the positions of the Officials to do so.
**Upon arrival check in at the volunteer table and swimmers check in at your tent (12 and under) or with coach (13+) **
Swimmer Timeline
6:45 Swimmers check in at your tents
7:00 13 and up warm up
7:15 11/12 warm up
7:30 7/8 and 9/10 warm up
7:45 6 and under warm up
8:00 Last warm up finishes.
8:00 Team Prayer and Cheer
Volunteer Timeline
6:30 Roadies arrive / Tent Set up begins / Concessions start setup
6:40 Volunteer check-in
7:30 Officials meeting
7:45 Timers and Scribes meeting
8:00 Load the ready bench
8:10 National Anthem
8:15 Meet starts
Parking is available on Kavanaugh Lane, Louetta and Wrightsboro. DO NOT PARK on Longwood Bend. The parking lot is reserved for officials, concessions, and computers. Please see attached parking map.
TENT SET UP: Swimmer’s last name beginning with D&F
TENT BREAKDOWN: Swimmer’s last name beginning with C
Below is some information that you will need for time trials. Anything in red is an alert that we need someone to fill a spot. Please text Chris George at 281-636-6680 to volunteer.
Please make sure your swimmer knows who their tent parent is before you leave them and that they know not to leave without their tent parent knowing. Once your swimmer is finished for the day please do not leave without checking out with your child’s tent parent.
Please call or text Coach Nina if you have a sick swimmer and will be unable to attend. Please also contact Chris George at 281-636-6680 if you are unable to fulfill your volunteer spot.
ROADIES: Arrive at 6:30 am. Parents will be there to help set up tents at 6:30.
TENT PARENTS: Please see Jennifer Milano upon checking in. Report to your tent no later than 6:45. Jennifer will give you a clipboard with your age group swimmer list and a sharpie. Please check that all swimmers are accounted for and notify Jennifer if anyone is missing. Mark your swimmer using the sharpie for their individual swimming events. When an event for your age group is called, you will need to make sure all swimmers make it to the ready bench. Be ready to receive them at the end of their event and walk them back to the tent. (We need one volunteer for the 11-12 Boys 2nd shift)
OFFICIALS: Please report to Jason Mangold
TIMERS & SCRIBES: Meet by the Ready Benches at 7:45.We understand that it is human nature to want to assist a swimmer who is struggling to exit the pool; however, due to liability issues, we must never do so. This is especially important with social distancing expectations. We should instruct swimmers who are struggling to move along the edge of the pool to the shallow area to exit.
COMPUTERS: Report to the main pool entrance after getting yourself and your swimmer checked in.
CONCESSIONS: Report to the concessions stand after getting yourself and your swimmer checked in.
READY BENCH: When you hear the announcement for Timers/Scribes, please report to the ready bench area.
Sanitation: Please report to Rebecca Waterman. (We need one volunteer for the 2nd shift)
**Reminder: the kiddie pool and the shallow semi-circle of the main pool are off limits to everyone during practice and meets.**
Please contact Chris George with any questions. 281-636-6680 or email [email protected]