Weekly Update 5.09.2021
We did it.
Time trial was an amazing success! Thanks to all of the parents that were able to help, this meet was amazing! For the first time in two years, the pool rang with the sounds of laughs and cheers and happiness! We saw kids make it across the pool for the first time ever, and older kids grab a first or second spot they didn’t know they could reach for. Every swimmer out there Saturday did amazing, and thanks to all the parents that helped time the swimmers that couldn’t make it.
We will be reposting the results once all the manual entries are in.
Don’t forget to declare your swimmer by Tuesday at 9p if you have a 10 & under swimmer. ALL 10 & UNDER SWIMMERS that have a time either at the meet or during the week at practice can now declare. If your 10 & under swimmer is not showing as eligible, that means they still need a time in their events. You can do this at Tuesday’s practice and then make sure you declare that evening by 9p. Just make sure you work closely with Coach Nina if you are doing this so we can make sure to get your times in the system as quickly as possible. .
When you declare, please choose two strokes for your swimmer. If you’ve already declared and picked three, there’s no need to go back but just be aware the coaches may move your child to another event if needed. If you declared and haven’t selected events yet you can still go back and under the Edit option add your two events.
This week’s meet will be at home (against the Copperfield Dolphins.) We look forward to a great first dual meet.
Great job at time trials this weekend! The meet went smoothly thanks to our amazing parent volunteers. Swimmers had some great times this weekend to start off the season! We look forward to working on all strokes and turns in small groups this week.
***10 & under parents: make sure you declare swimmer attendance by Tuesday night. I can’t wait for our first dual swim meet this upcoming Saturday vs. Copperfield Dolphins!
Theme this week will be super heroes! On Saturday, wear your superhero gear to conquer the Copperfield Dolphins!
During both practices and after meets: Parents, please make sure that you and your kiddos are picking up after yourselves. After the meet was great, but we need to make sure that even after practices we are picking up around the pool area and playground. Thanks for the help with this!
Those of you that ordered swim caps will receive an email when they are in with an option to pay via Venmo and send a screenshot to have them put in your family folder or you can pay for them and pick up at this weekend's meet. If you already paid, they will be in your family folder as soon as we receive them. If you were not at time trials you may also pick up your team t-shirt at the Saturday meet. The team store will have a few extra team shirts for sale as well as some vintage spirit gear.