We are a GO, Stingrays!
We will see you soon in Copperfield, Stingrays (11+)
In case you have not signed up yet, the best way to get up to date information is to be on the Coaches Remind. To sign up for the STINGRAY remind please text @SCSTIN to 81010
7703 Park Falls Drive, Houston, TX, USA — Directions
Tent Setup/Breakdown
Setup: L,TBreakdown: O
Team Setup
We may set up our tents outside the swimming pool fence on the greenbelt side where the yellow arrow is in the above picture. There is plenty of room with some nice shade.
The parking lot is reserved for coaches, officials, concessions and computers. Parking is allowed on both sides of the street ONLY on the part of the street directly in front of the pool. All other streets only allow parking on one side as indicated in green in the picture.
Pool Layout and Traffic Pattern
Mask Policy
Masks are not required.
Swimmer/Coaches Timeline
7:20 Swimmers Check In With Tent Parents (11-12) or Team Captains (13 & Up)
7:45 Morning Scratch Meeting With Relay Changes Due To Clerk of Course
7:45 Spring Cypress Swimmers Warm Up
8:15 Team Meeting and Cheer
8:30 am Meet Starts
Volunteer Timeline
7:00 Roadies Arrive
7:10 Volunteer Check-In
7:15 Tent Parents in Place
8:00 am Officials Meeting Poolside
8:00 am Timing/Scribe Meeting Poolside
8:30 am Meet Starts