Welcome to the Stringray family! Lots of important information below, including a note from our coaches, so please read all the way through.
Tuesday, April 19th - New Swimmers ONLY
Wednesday, April 20th - ALL swimmers
Practice Times:
4:00 - 5:00 pm • 15 & Up + 13/14
5:00 - 5:30 pm • 6 & Unders
5:40 - 6:20 pm • 7/8
6:30 - 7:15 pm • 9/10
7:15 - 8:00 pm • 11/12 + 13/14
*Practice times will change once the school year is over.
Hey Stingrays!
Your coaching staff is extremely excited for the start of the 2022 swim season. Please remember to bring goggles, water, swim cap (optional), towel to every practice. We will also be doing some dry land activities before we get into the water the first week, so please bring a spare towel and wear some running shoes!
Practices are a fun time to get to know each other, and learn something new, which means that distractions need to be minimized as much as possible. Sitting in the chairs on deck is permitted, however remember that practice time is between the swimmers and their coaches. Our Board members are happy to help you out if something pops up during practice.
Your Coaching staff is so excited to see you at the pool!
PRACTICE PARKING/DROP OFF: Please see attached map for parking notes (for both meets and practice) We want to respect the neighborhood and the neighbors that support our swim team. All street parking is one side only, please don’t block driveways, and NO PARKING on Longwood Bend at any time.
As many of you with slightly older swimmers will be dropping off your swimmers, notice the entry and exit for the pool area. Please just be respectful and cautious; there are a lot of littles very excited to run to that pool.
Meet parking will utilize Louetta, but that is on Saturday mornings, with less traffic and with more signage. Parking on Louetta is not encouraged for practices.
The Stingray store is for all your parent spirit wear needs- shirts, hats, towels and team swim caps. All orders are pre-orders only, due by April 24th, and items will be available for pickup at Time Trials on May 7th (payment will be via CASH or VENMO only, due at time of pick up.) The store also will be selling goggles and fun swim caps at all home meets (for those Saturday mornings where “someone” forgot something needed!)
If you missed the deadline yesterday to order the team suit, no worries. You can still order by this coming Saturday, April 23rd and receive your swimsuit by the first meet on May 14th. Stop by D&J Sports of Tomball - 11407 Spring Cypress Rd #100. Please refer to prior communication for full details or feel free to reach out to the Board if you have any questions. [email protected]
Swimmers- if you tried on your fins and found they are a touch too small, feel free to bring them to the pool to toss into our fin donation bin. If you need a size up, feel free to grab a pair. It is first come first serve and take at your own risk. Please only bring pairs and ones in decent shape.
Let's get this season started!
-Stingray Board