ACTION REQUIRED: Time Trials Information
Hello Stingray Families!!
Summer league is officially underway and we have Time Trials on May 7th. I wanted to take a moment to send out an email with information on meets and volunteer expectations. The organization and execution of the Spring Cypress swim team program is a tremendous effort. Without parents and family members filling positions at every swim meet, it would be impossible to run them smoothly.
Some Important Volunteer Information:
Job Signup will open at 12 PM Sunday prior to the meet. This is the same time as swimmer declaration so you can take care of it all at one time. You will find the sign up listed under Time Trials on the Stingrays website. For a tutorial regarding sign ups, go to the website under the Meets tab, Select Meet Entry/Declaration and there is a link to Meet Declaration Video Tutorial.
6 Volunteer Shifts + 1 divisional shift per family is required (if there is an issue with completing those shifts, please speak to me)
There is a list of volunteer positions with descriptions on our website; however, feel free to contact me if you have questions.
Most jobs do not require any experience. If the job is listed as preassigned, it does require special approval. Please do not sign up for those; unless given pre-approval.
When the Volunteer Sign Up opens on Sunday, we would ask that each family only sign up for 1 Volunteer shift at Time Trials in order to give everyone a chance to get a shift that wants one. If there are shifts that haven’t been filled on Tuesday, then feel free to sign up for a second shift.
A $300 deposit check per family is required to ensure shifts are filled. The family folder box is out at every practice. Please look for the green Parent Volunteer check folder (in the front of the box) to place your check in. Please have these to me by the end of next week. If all 6+1 shifts are filled, it will be returned or shredded at the end of the season.
Tent Set Up/Breakdown:
In addition to your 6 shifts, we have set up and breakdown at each meet to set up the items needed including age group tents, ready benches, lane ropes, chairs, etc. It is SCST policy that Meet Set Up/Breakdown does not count as your regular volunteer position. It is an extra function in which ALL swim parents are expected to participate. (If you are unable to fulfill your designated time, it is your responsibility to switch with another family.)
Here is the schedule by last name:
07-May | Time trials | Setup: F & G | Breakdown: K & L |
14-May | Gleannloch | Setup: J & S | Breakdown: T & V |
21-May | Marlins | Setup: U & W | Breakdown: D & E |
28-May | SCO | Setup: A & Ca | Breakdown: Ch - Cr |
04-Jun | Oak Ridge | Setup: R | Breakdown: H |
011-Jun | Woodlands | Setup: N, O & P | Breakdown: B |
18-Jun | Divisionals | Setup: Ma - Me | Breakdown: Mi - Mu |
See you at the pool!
Susan Knight
Volunteer Coordinator