SATURDAY'S MEET: SC Stingrays @ Oak Ridge Otters
Happy Thursday Stingrays!
This week’s meet is sponsored by Carroll Insurance. The Stingrays thank you again for your continued support!
This Saturday’s meet is AWAY against the Oak Ridge Otters. Heat and Psych Sheets are attached. Please note the expected timing of events; the meet is projected to end around 2:20pm which is later than our previous meets this season.
Address: Marilyn Edgar Park, 26531 Hillside Drive.
*This is just south of The Woodlands so make sure to allow for ample travel time Saturday morning.
Where to park: (a) street parking on the winding roads near the park on S. Hillsdale Dr. or (b) in the parking lot at Center for Pediatric Therapy (big metal building between Mattress Clearance Center and Rooms to Go gaining access to that parking lot from the feeder road off I-45; do not park at Rooms-to-Go). There is reserved parking for your coaches and your officials in the formal parking areas at the pool from S. Hilldale Dr.
Visiting team set-up: Set-up under the large covered Pavilion that is also a basketball court. That can get crowded for larger teams, so there is also space to set up tents and chairs outside of the pool in park areas.
**We strongly encourage that you and your swimmers begin hydrating Friday and continue to do so throughout the meet.**
You are responsible for cleaning up. Please pick up trash you have and make sure you take anything you brought from home with you! We want to keep our neighborhood and the ones we swim in as clean and neat as we found them, if not better.
If you are not going to make a meet or have a sick swimmer, please email Coach Emily ([email protected]) or use the REMIND app to send her a message.
6 and under Girls Tent 1st shift (2)
7/8 Girls Tent 2nd shift (4) (at this time this tent has no volunteers)
9/10 Girls Tent 1st shift (1)
9/10 Boys Tent 2nd shift (1)
11/12 Boys Tent 1st shift (1)
2nd shift (1)
Ready Bench 2nd shift (2)
Scribes 2nd shift (1)
Timers 2nd shift (1)
Our meets cannot run without volunteers so please consider signing up if able. Contact Susan Knight at [email protected] if you can fill any of these positions.
Families assigned to Set Up and Break Down by last name will need to check in with Janelle Chandler at the trailer on Saturday before the meet when set up begins and after the meet when breakdown begins.
Setup: R | Breakdown: H |
Swimmer/Coaches Timeline
7:20 Swimmers Check In With Tent Parents
7:45 Morning Scratch Meeting With Relay Changes Due To Clerk of Course
7:45 Spring Cypress Swimmers Warm Up
- 9/10
- 11 & up
- 7/8
- 6 & under
8:15 Team Meeting and Cheer
8:30 am Meet Starts
Volunteer Timeline
7:00 Roadies Arrive
7:10 Volunteer Check-In
7:15 Tent Parents in Place
8:00 am Officials Meeting Poolside
8:00 am Timing/Scribe Meeting Poolside
8:30 am Meet Starts
The Otters concessions stand will have breakfast tacos, donuts, grill master makes burgers etc..., pasta salad with/without chicken, snacks - popcorn, veggie straws, chips, takis, popsicles, sodas, water, Gatorade, etc.
Floor coverings in the swimmer tents are a nice addition especially for those that like to sit on the ground. Tarps, moving blankets, large towels work well in this regard so feel free to bring what works best but don’t forget to take it home with you!
See you Saturday at the pool!