Sunday Update
Happy Sunday Stingray’s
Hopefully everyone had a great time at the meet yesterday! Please see attached meet results and Divisional's highlights. More information to come on Thursday.
Declaration closes on Tuesday at 9pm. Please be sure to declare your swimmer even if you will not be attending the meet.
PARENT INFORMATION: At the meet yesterday, a parent unplugged the speakers in our tent area. This action resulted in swimmers missing their events because they could not hear the ready bench call. In the future, we ask that parents do not take it upon themselves to touch or alter the equipment. If you have a problem or concern about the equipment, please find a Board member to discuss your concern.
IMPORTANT VOLUNTEER INFORMATION: We truly appreciate everyone’s help in volunteering and taking on extra shifts even if you have met your shift requirements for the season. The Divisional's declaration and job sign up has opened. The meet is broken down into 5 shifts, but the same number of events as a typical meet with 2 shifts, so each shift is about 1/3 as long. We ask that if you have a swimmer swimming, that you also volunteer at the meet. While there is no set number of shifts we are requiring, we ask that everyone sign up for more than 1 shift to help us fill our volunteer needs given that a shift is considerably less than a typical dual meet shift.
This weeks Tent & Breakdown families -
17-June Divisional's @ Cy Ranch High School Setup: MA-ME Breakdown: MI-MU
PEP RALLY: Will be this Friday. Details to come
You can RSVP on our website-
Here is the link to sign up for the popular family and friends relay. PARENTS BRING THOSE SUITS!!!
Happy Sunday! First and foremost, Sportsmanship among athletes was at an all time high this Saturday! We loved seeing so many Stingrays cheering on friends, waiting in the water for heats to finish, and being gracious hosts to the Crocs. I am most proud of that! Our swimmers dropped so much time this weekend, both at the dual meet and Pentathlon. Make sure to check the Invitational Qualifiers list at practice and have your swimmer sign the poster if they qualified!
We have one week of regular season left. Here are a few reminders/ new information as we go forward:
Divisionals is this coming weekend, and that meet will finish our regular season. Every swimmer with official times (not time trial times) can compete! We need as many swimmers as possible, let's finish this season strong! This is the last chance for swimmers to make Invitational cuts!
Every swimmer on our roster is a possible alternate for all relays. We had a few kids leave the last meet early, which resulted in scratched relays. It is imperative that all swimmers stay until the end. (This is even more important in our groups with fewer swimmers.) It not only helps us with relays, it gives our younger swimmers a chance to see the bigger swimmers and cheer them on. If there is a chance you will not stay to the end, please select 'Attending, no late relays'.
This is our last full week of regular practice! Please make sure you are bringing swimmers on time. Also, just a reminder, practices are CLOSED. Meaning parents are not allowed around the pool, and can't talk to their swimmer(s) during practices. We saw an increase in this over the last week, in our 8 and under groups in particular. The pool deck should be clear of parent set up, so that we can walk around the pool without tripping, stepping behind, or running into any parent. Please refrain from talking to your swimmer during practices, as this can distract your swimmer, other swimmers around, and the coaches. We are doing our best to make every practice meaningful for every swimmer, please help us achieve this by letting us do the coaching.
Congratulations to our swimmers of the week: Cora Martin, Noah Fehsenfeld, Reagan Franks. Rhett Wilson, Claire Williamson, Henry Wuzzager, Laken Ramsey, Brayden Briker, Ava Guzman, Levi Smoker, Aubrey Long, and Dalton Moore!
Check family folders if your swimmer was not at Friday's practice.
Coach Emily
If you have any questions regarding this email please reach out to the board at [email protected] .
Stephanie Mixon